Daily Digital Deals welcomes authors with an inclination towards tech and digital topics. We are now accepting guest posts across all niches of our blog, and we will be happy offer a backlink to your website.
Below are the various guidelines for guest post submissions. Feel free to contact us further for more details.
- Guests posts and articles for Daily Digital Deals must be original, fresh and unique.
- All submissions should be related to one of the following categories
- Data
- Web Design
- Gadgets
- System
- Technology
- Contents must be of at least 600+ words, and we do accept contents that are longer.
- Please note that all contents must be written in UK English or US English only.
- We do offer one commercial link per post.
- All contents, once published, remain a property of Daily Digital Deals and no part of it can be reproduced in any format.
- We recommend writers to write relevant posts only. We reserve the right to accept, edit and reject posts as per the needs of our website.
- Please send us email at info@info
Daily Digital Deals tries its best to ensure that all guest posts are accurate and relevant but we cannot be held liable for content published by other authors. We do recommend authors to send all details, and we can always include an author’s bio on request.