I personally believe that we all make a lot of efforts to preserve our home and precious items, but Why we are not able to go on long leave without any worry. Then the question arises that can technology helps us on this subject?
Smart CCTV – Easily available everywhere, but is it helpful in domestic security?
We hear so many new words like home automation, home security, IoT, smart home, but what is really good for us?
CCTV Camera – Cheapest and Most Common. You can see it on every street. Colour at night CCTV are Great for shops, departmental shops, and public places. Where monitoring is required. And because of this, the public behaves in a civilized manner. (Not thieves and robbers)
CCTV Installation makes a psychological impact. That is why many people also put a dummy camera in their places because of this psychology. But there are many reasons why it is not effective in the security of its homes.
1) Thieves don’t care to record their face, because they need no social reputation.
2) they will cover their mouths and enter the house.
3) the facility supply of the camera often stops because CCTV doesn’t have A battery.
4) Or the thieves can take your DVR along with the stolen things.
So briefly professional security CCTV cameras are useful for giant shops, malls, parking areas, etc. But for home security, it is not so useful.
IP Camera – The next most common device. Very useful, you’ll look in or out of your house from anywhere using your mobile. Video quality is very good compared to CCTV. And the wiring is not required. You can buy it from Amazon or Flipkart. It is a very useful device for those who have elderly at home or have small children who need constant attention. And you can install it yourself.
Alarm Systems – An alarm system is a combination of different types of sensors. Door or window sensor, which detects the opening of a door and window. These sensors are installed on most doors/windows of the homes . The motion sensor detects any type of motion, these are usually installed in common areas of the house, such as a living room or drawing-room. Fire and smoke sensors are used to detect fire and smoke, which gives us an alert of fire events. Apart from these, there are other important sensors such as CO sensor, flood sensor, glass break sensor, light sensor, etc.
CMS Monitored Alarm System- CMS (Central Monitoring Station) is also called as Alarm Receiving Center or ARC. Imagine a big room with big TV screens and big monitors, that’s the CMS. This is capable of modifying millions of signals every second, and professionally trained operators process those signals with the software Algorithm (algorithm).
In short, CMS monitored systems are considered the most effective way to protect a home or shop and are adopted by millions of people in western countries. the CMS is constantly connected to the alarm system installed in your home and is monitoring and caring for the alarm system.