The Most Outstanding Functions Of Photolemur

Photolemur improves images by making use of the most advanced artificial intelligence and algorithms. It is a program used for all kinds of activities related to digital design and the favorite of many photographers when retouching and bringing their creations to life.

Throughout the history of this tool, new and improved versions have been generated that offer users greater functionality when editing images. Photolemur allows you to modify images and scanned photos. It is a widely-recognized tool for its use in creating and editing images such as graphics, etc. With this, you can manipulate aspects of your photographs such as light, color, shape, background, etc.

These are some of the features offered by this software:

Add Filters To Your Photographs

With Photolemur, you can add many different filters and shades to your photographs to give it that unique touch that characterizes you as a designer or artist. You can find filters that will allow you to add motion blur, break your mosaic image, among others. can help with more info.

Lights And Special Effects

Bring your images to life with all the lighting and special effects filters offered by this complete work tool. With this functionality, you will have the possibility of simulating the effect of spotlights or reflectors, as well as changing the ambient lighting present in an image.

Texture Effects

The possibilities with Photolemur are endless. In addition to being able to add spectacular filters and play with the lighting of your photographs, you can create many texture effects, either to the entire image or simply select a part of the design and apply the texture only to that selection.

3D Illustrations

Photolemur allows editing images in different dimensions. You can create them, edit them, and add shadows or textures to simulate different materials.

These are some of the features that Photolemur offers you to be an expert in photo and image editing. To learn more about this, visit