Did you ever wonder why some great-looking and well-designed websites seem to be completely off Google’s radar? It’s like they are invisible or missing. Yet, if you type in the web address directly or even search for the company by name, their website appears. If you search for the company based on what they do or what they sell, it can be a whole different story.
A great website is an excellent start for growing your business. Some businesses have a website because they assume that it legitimizes their business. Perhaps they view it as a necessary evil that has costs associated with it but does not bring in any customers. If a website exists just so people can learn about a company whose name they already know, then there is no pressing need to promote a site based on what they do. But what if you want your website to do more?
And what if your business name does not closely match your products or services? Say a business has a name like “XYZ Company” and sells office supplies. Doing an online search for “stationery” or “notepads” or “desk supplies” will yield thousands of websites, but will it yield the website for the fictitious XYZ Company? If XYZ Company does nothing to promote their site, it is not likely that they will be found in Google.
If a website is going to attract new customers, then it must be more than good. It must be more than great. It must be visible in the first three pages of Google search engine result pages, especially the first page.
How to get your website on Google’s first page? Well, it helps to be a great site, visually attractive with a compelling message. But Google requires more than that. Many parts of the search engine equation are factored into determining placement in search engine results.
“Search Engine Optimization” or (SEO) is a tried and tested technique used all over the internet to assist sites to rank higher than others. A NJ SEO company can help your website be more than just another pretty face. Read this infographic from Landau Consulting to learn how to make sure your website does not go missing.