Then, the various functionalities of the smartphone are reset to their initial state. In case of glitches, physical or technical, the buyer can demand the repair of the damage with the implementation of the warranty. As neither the dealer nor the customer can be sure of hidden defects or shocks suffered by the phone during its first use, insurance will take over to cover you.
How long and the guarantees
If the company that carried out the repackaging is serious like Backmarket, the lifespan of a refurbished smartphone can be close to that of a new phone. A smartphone refurbished by the manufacturer or by a company recognized by it is “better” guaranteed, therefore more expensive than that made elsewhere by a lambda reconditioner. This is why we recommend the use of recognized reconditioners.
- Also, the guarantees of 6 or 12 months offered by the reseller give the possibility to the buyer to be very attentive when he takes possession of his refurbished smartphone. In fact, despite the tests and controls carried out, the risks are never zero. But you will not be more reassured if you buy without any warranty or with a 6 month or 12 month warranty. In Phonebot you can get the refurbished phones.
Reconditioning grades, a guarantee of quality
These guarantees offered by resellers are certainly necessary to reassure users. And given that the number of buyers of refurbished smartphones is constantly increasing and becoming more and more demanding, a grade has been instituted to define the general condition of the smartphone. This grade ranges from “Refurbished, A +” to grade “C”.
We can say that this grade also determines the lifespan of the smartphone. A “Refurbished” or “A +” grade means that everything has been done so that your refurbished phone is the same as a new one. In this case, the warranty can go up to 12 months without problem. Then, an “A” grade means that the smartphone has scratches undetectable to the naked eye.
The A grade “B” that the traces are visible, but that this does not affect the aesthetics of the product and finally, the grade “C”, the stripes are more visible and are less beautiful on the phone. In all cases, a reconditioned phone means that its criteria are external and that the manipulations during reconditioning do not affect the technical performance of the phone. Indeed, the repackaging implies verification and a restoration of the initial capacities of the telephone from inside to outside.
What price to pay for refurbished and on what site?
You should know that the repackaging of a smartphone requires the intervention of competent professionals for the result to be perfect, like new. And even if it is only a question of making some repairs to arrive at a grade C, the work remains rather expensive.
The reconditioner, number one factor in the price
Of course, if the customer wishes to have a refurbished smartphone instead of a new one, it is to avoid paying a higher price. But if the refurbishment has led the manufacturer to make major alterations, it affects the prices that reconditioned smartphones are worth.