PC Building: The Simple Thing Done Rightly

Do you have to be an expert to decide to make your own computer? No. On the other hand, you have to want to save money, want to get a more powerful machine better suited to your needs, have the possibility of repairing more easily, have the free choice of the system and software installed. If these few advantages appeal to you, here are the keys to achieving them.

In reality, you don’t really make your computer, but you build it, you assemble its parts or even without going that far, you can even choose the components without having to put your hands in the beast. The PC Building guide is the best option here.

Details and explanations

Last update of the components proposed in this subject and drawn from the configurations proposed via the community:


Of course, there is the economic side. In the vast majority of cases, a computer assembled by you will cost less to buy than a brand computer assembled by the manufacturer. This is because you put only what you really need in your computer.

A small hard drive but a very powerful processor?

It is completely compatible but we rarely find this type of configuration. You also save yourself the marketing costs and you know what is in your computer when it is rather difficult to know in detail the model of such or such component of a pre-assembled computer.

An assembled PC will also have the advantage of being able to disassemble much more easily than a branded computer where everything is “tailor-made” to fit into the case. The repair will be easier for a professional and even for you if you have decided to assemble with your own hands. You will then be able to easily locate a fault and change a faulty component. Same observation for scalability since you can change an obsolete component very easily. We don’t forget to talk about the warranty for certain parts, much longer than the two-year warranty generally offered for a computer.

Motherboard mounting

Finally, you will get a computer with an operating system devoid of any software, which is far from the case of machines purchased ready-made. The manufacturers insert a slew of adware (bloatware) or utilities which, for the most part, will be of no use to you and will slow down the machine.

Hard drive or SSD: the choice is yours

This year we have deliberately omitted to vary the type of disc. The one integrated into all configurations is a classic hard drive with a tray. It is efficient, inexpensive and with 1 TB can store a large amount of data. However for a few euros more you can opt for its replacement by a SSD of lower capacity which will be even more efficient to run the system and software. If your storage need is large, you can keep the 1 TB tray disk and another additional SSD that will only be used for system and software.