Avoiding mistakes on your resume is real

Take out the end date of your last job

This is the one trick on a resume that can be forgiven. A person is considered to have a resume even before they are fired and just doesn’t update that date after they are fired. Either way, the stated layoff date will play against you.

Don’t write reasons for quitting

There is no reason why you should write reasons for quitting. No matter what you write in there, the recruiter will always get suspicious about your willingness to give a reason for quitting. Or maybe you’re lying.

You’re also not allowed to write explanations, comments, footnotes, and the like on your resume. Only dates, facts, accomplishments.

The worst that can happen is the “References” section and the phrase “I’ll provide upon request.” What’s the point of such a section? A list of references is unnecessary. No one will call them before the interview with you. And after the interview, you can provide this list anyway, if requested.

Take away the tables and the big indentations

Tables in resumes were adopted in the early 2000s. Then the entire civilized world abandoned them. Also, don’t take up most of your resume with very large indents on the left side of the document.

You shouldn’t include all your jobs

  • Last place of employment: 7-10 lines of duties and 5-7 lines of accomplishments.
  • Past job: 5-7 lines of responsibilities and 3-5 lines of accomplishments.
  • Previous job: 3-5 lines of duties and 3 lines of achievements.
  • Other jobs: 3 lines of responsibilities + 3 lines of achievements if within the last 10 years of employment.
  • Anything before 10 years ago: only company and job titles.

If you have had jobs in your career that were not relevant to your current position – feel free to delete them. For example, you are now a marketing director, and you started 15 years ago as a factory engineer or a market vendor.

Don’t show resumes to HR professionals you know if you are not sure of their professionalism

We have many HR professionals who think they are gurus and give advice left and right. Find out how many vacancies they filled themselves, how many people a day they interviewed on average. What books they have read about recruiting. How many of them were foreign.

The best thing you can do is leave the writing of your resume to a professional. Click to learn more about cheap resume writing services.