In this article we will give some tips on what to be aware of when choosing a hosting provider.
- You may wonder, what is VPS used for? A VPS Server is used to serve websites that need more resources than a simple, low traffic website. Usually VPS hosting is used for eCommerce websites that have a lot of functionalities such as payment integrations, Customer Relationship Management integrations or/and ERP integrations.
- Now, a server or hosting area has certain features. One of them and a very basic one is its location. Where is your site? Use the to see where your Website’s IP is located. The closer your website is hosted o
- But the most important of all is to locate how many other sites your hosting provider hosts on the same server along with yours? How many of your ‘’roommates’’ are there? How many does the waiter serve? A simple way is to visit and type your domain.
- Can you imagine multiple users entering your site at the same time and the server crashing? Not user friendly at all! So you need a strong server with support so that your website always responds and is fast. Your provider must be ubiquitous and provide you with support on your site and emails, back up, security, upgrades etc.
- Does your hosting provider have a CDN? That is, Content Delivery Network. A network of computers – servers around the world that transfer our content.
Content for CDN is primarily images, videos, audio, and all static files (usually graphics, fonts, and CSS style files on your web page).
But, how does CDN differ from the simple Server – you may ask?
CDN essentially helps the Server. CDN is practically a network of secondary servers, which copy all the static content of your website (images, graphics, videos) located on the main server, and distribute it to the closest visitors to them.
For example, if your website is hosted in America, then:
- WITHOUT CDN: the visitor of your website from Spain will wait about 2″ for the browser of his computer to connect directly to the server in America.
- Using CND: the visitor of your website from Spain will wait about 0.5″ for the browser of his computer to connect to the nearest auxiliary server from the CDN, which is located in England.
- Make sure your hosting provider offers daily or at least weekly backups. Did the hard drive hit and you lost it all? Did you make something and ‘’broke’’ your website and now you need to bring it back to how it looked? So, how do you protect your website, or email data?
The answer is Backups. If your hosting provider does not offer backup then think twice before ordering.
I hope your enjoyed our tips on choosing a hosting provider for your website. If you did and if it passed knowledge to you, please consider sharing it with the rest of the world.